December 7, 2013
Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds
164 Eastland Road
Berea, OH 44017
Building 25
Park right by the building or in the parking lot
Party starts at 5pm
Please join us for a great time and help with raising money for Greta Mooney as she is giving John Wiley the gift of life...a new kidney on January 8, 2014. Greta is an amazing woman and her kidney will let John be free from dialysis and live a normal life.
Please join us and help us raise money to allow Greta time to heal after her surgery and not have to worry about getting right back to work. She lives in West Virginia and is coming to Cleveland for this lifesaving transplant. This fundraiser will help her afford to come up for the surgery, follow-up appointments, and taking the time off from work that she needs to recover.
We will have lots of baskets to raffle (see the Raffle Basket tab), 50/50 raffle, and lots of sideboards. We will provide food and limited beverages (feel free to bring what you like to drink). All of this and time to hang out with great friends and meet new ones.
The cost is $25 per adult and $5 per child (under 5 is free). You can purchase tickets through the Event, Donation, and Raffle Tickets tab or when you get to the fairgrounds. We have an indoor space, so you will stay warm.
If you have any questions or want any additional information...or if you want to donate anything for the raffle or food, please contact Paula at or (330) 662-4043.
Thank you and I hope to see you all on the 7th!